Lista de problemas resueltos por este usuario.

Problema Nombre del Problema Ranking Envio Lenguaje Tiempo Fecha de Envio
1193 Base Conversion 01245º 5456534 C++ 0.240 16/10/16, 20:51:25
1448 Chinese Whispers 00681º 5456526 C++ 0.012 16/10/16, 20:48:24
1341 Kids in a Grid 00016º 5456328 C 0.004 16/10/16, 19:28:57
1371 Close the Doors! 00228º 5434804 C 0.004 13/10/16, 16:07:42
1308 Etruscan Warriors Never... 00212º 5434637 C 0.004 13/10/16, 15:35:01
1307 All You Need Is Love 00150º 5429301 C 0.008 12/10/16, 19:16:13
1304 Average Speed 00047º 5429100 C 0.020 12/10/16, 18:32:14
1264 An Easy Problem! 00006º 5426698 C 0.000 12/10/16, 6:59:16
1202 White Nights Festival 00071º 5414704 C 0.132 10/10/16, 17:19:47
1213 Ones 00479º 5413672 C 0.044 10/10/16, 15:23:51
1219 Colourful Flowers 00436º 5412638 C 0.020 10/10/16, 12:57:26
1519 Abbreviations 00025º 5319843 C 0.028 28/9/16, 20:02:35
1551 Complete Sentence 00263º 5317415 C 0.000 28/9/16, 16:58:38
1160 Crecimiento de la Población 08893º 5114046 C 0.004 5/9/16, 5:13:17
1557 Matriz Cuadrada III 00517º 5111187 C 0.000 4/9/16, 19:54:24
1534 Array 123 03932º 5110767 C 0.016 4/9/16, 17:40:16
1478 Square Matrix II 02871º 5110506 C 0.068 4/9/16, 16:08:31
2153 Sanduicheiche 00006º 5110352 C 0.000 4/9/16, 15:11:06
2087 Good And Bad Sets 00047º 5110051 C 0.052 4/9/16, 13:04:27
2137 The Library of Mr. Severino 00014º 5079372 C 0.000 31/8/16, 20:29:19
2025 Joulupukki 00035º 5079141 C 0.004 31/8/16, 20:10:09
2062 OBI URI 00078º 5078290 C 0.000 31/8/16, 18:59:31
2108 Counting Characters 00011º 5077500 C 0.000 31/8/16, 17:54:58
2174 Colección de Pokémons 00006º 5076454 C 0.000 31/8/16, 16:33:11
2157 Secuencia Espejo 00857º 5076117 C 0.012 31/8/16, 15:45:47
1367 Ayuda! 00467º 5065819 C 0.016 30/8/16, 15:17:03
1305 Cut Off Rounder 00117º 5065643 C 0.016 30/8/16, 14:54:18
1287 Friendly Int Parser 00075º 5065291 C 0.004 30/8/16, 13:54:25
1278 Justifier II 00252º 5058392 C 0.020 29/8/16, 18:15:40
1276 Letter Range 00086º 5056813 C 0.012 29/8/16, 16:06:59
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